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« Bed rest, day 1 | Main | Belated 24 week belly pic »

November 08, 2010


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Several years ago I was on bedrest from weeks 12-36. It was quite a time, especially without Internet, but it was manageable. Hiring some help is a great idea. I wish you were close and I would come visit! Friends stopping by was a real spirit-lifter. I also had the gal who cut my hair come to the house to do it. And yes, those ultrasounds always triggered contractions.


Glad you hired some help! Sounds like you needed it.

Very scary the medical emergency with your mom, but I hope all the specialists she will be seeing will take good care of her.


Oh wow, it sounds like you have been through quite a bit this past week. I'm glad that your mom is doing better, and that the doctor doesn't seem too concerned about contractions. Take bedrest seriously, you are doing such an important job! I'm glad that you guys hired someone to help out with all of the stuff that you need to get done -- let someone else deal with those responsibilities, and you focus on growing the babies!


Good idea to get yourself a nanny!

I hope your mom is feeling better soon - and I hope you get no more kidney stones or BH contractions!


Hope your mum feels better soon also.
We had someone bring us meals towards the end and oh, it made a HUGE difference.

Love how upbeat you sound. I was on bed rest for a few weeks here and there and then basically the last 3 weeks to swollen to move and to be honest, I quite enjoyed it. I read, watched tv, slept, ate and ate and ate and just spent time with my guys inside me.

Enjoy your communing with your guys :)


Wow, you have been through a lot! Please please rest with gay abandon! It's very important! Very smart to hire a nanny! I'm thinking of you and your two little ones and hoping everyone stays where they are for the duration. You're doing great! (( hugs))


Sounds like a challenging week indeed. Hope everything settles down and you can enjoy bedrest. A challenge in itself I'm sure. Keep on! You're making it work.


Oh no! So much drama. I'm so sorry about the kidney stones and your mom's troubles. I hope that both are cleared up quickly.

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