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November 13, 2010


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Have a fabulous time - soak up every single minute of it!!!!!

Debby Pucci

Have a wonderful day. I am so excited for you.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


Hope you're having a great time at your shower!


I hope your day is wonderful and that you can soak up all the memories :)


Hope your shower is wonderful and you enjoy every second of it!!

Sweet Georgia

I hope our shower was fabulous!


So exciting! I hope it was fantastic!!!!


SO much fun to see everyone there to celebrate with you! I hope you were able to soak it in and enjoy every moment! It was a strangely emotional time for me, too, since I had my shower at your mom's house, too, and was there today with my own twins. What a special time. What lucky people we are. You have so much coming to you-- I can't wait to see it!


Wow! I Hope you had a fantastic time.


Hope you had a great time. I know it is hard with all the worry. Looking back I wished I had relaxed more. But knowing me...that wouldn't have been possible. :D Have fun sorting out all of the cute baby clothes and stuff!


I hope your celebration was beautiful, fun, special and exactly what you hoped for. Look forward to hearing about it when you get a chance.

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