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I am in my late 30's, and I was never ambivalent about having children. First I had dig myself out of one mound of crap after another, got my education, found my man, got another education, and then tried to start a family. First IVF cycle in February 2008 was a bust--over suppressed on BCP, converted to IUI. BFN. Second IVF cycle may 2008, worked with my cycle, used micro dose lupron, retrieved 17 eggs, 14 fertilized, transfered 3. BFP June 2. Made it to 8 weeks, and then no heartbeat on US. D&C July 4th. Preparing for IVF 2/3 in August. Oh, that one was a bust, as was the one in Dec. Took off 4 months to tank up on DHEA, and then less than a week before IVF 5, we found out my husband has a balanced translocation. Holy crap. That IVF was a bust, did one more with donor sperm, AND that one was a bust, and then, holy crap, we tried 2 IUI's with donor sperm and I'm currently 7 weeks knocked up, and hoping to stay that way! Lost that baby, tripolidy. Yeesh. Lost two egg donors, one to high fish, one to high bmi. Finally settled on a donor, and low and behold, it worked! Two heartbeats turned into two boys, and now were off to the races.


laughing, cooking, psychology, celebrity gossip, getting pregnant, kitties.